This Drone’s Feathered Wings Can Open and Close Like a Bird’s
Aeronautical engineers have built planes that can streak across the sky at over 6,437 km per hour, but still haven’t come close to designing aircraft that can manoeuvre with the astounding agility of a bird. Researchers at Switzerland’s École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne figured, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and have designed a…
I Love These Clouds That Aeroplane Wings Make On Takeoff And Landing
Video: To my eye, the clouds that aeroplane wings make on takeoff and landing look like a cool force field — a stealth shroud that envelopes the aeroplane as its flying around. Reality is less fun though, because the clouds that are rolling over the wings of the aeroplane are caused by the lift forces…
Owl Wings Are Helping Silence Aeroplanes, Fans, And Wind Turbines
Owls are often considered nature’s stealth fighters, and it turns out their ability to silently is a result of a unique wing structure not found in any other bird. Now that researchers know the owl’s secret, they can make lots of stuff silent — everything from bedroom ceiling fans to massive wind turbines.
Watching Bats Fly In Slow Motion Reveals Biological Badassery
We all know about echolocation, but way more is happening when a bat takes flight, and some bats don’t echolocate at all. So how do they have so much precision in their flying and what’s different about bats and birds?