
  • Meet Wonder Woman’s New Superheroic Daughter, Trinity

    Meet Wonder Woman’s New Superheroic Daughter, Trinity

    When it comes to big name superheroes, there’s a couple of story threads that you can often expect from them. They’ll reboot, they’ll die (and have someone replace them for a bit), and they’ll get boosted to a ridiculously powerful cosmic status. You can also expect them to have a kid — though it can…

  • Does the New DC Movie Universe Really Need to Be Connected?

    Does the New DC Movie Universe Really Need to Be Connected?

    Since Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel debuted back in 2013, Warner Bros.’ vision for a DC version of Marvel’s densely inter-connected, massively profitable MCU has been… haphazard to say the least. But now James Gunn and Peter Safran have been hired to shepherd an entirely (well, mostly) new DC cinematic universe, and they promise they…

  • 15 Excellent Nerdy Nonfiction Books

    15 Excellent Nerdy Nonfiction Books

    There’s a lot to love about pop culture, but not everyone can get every reference. Sometimes you need an actual reference book — or a memoir, an essay collection, an oral history, or something written by an expert. These nerdy nonfiction books are perfect for brushing up on all the incredibly niche parts of the…