x men dark phoenix

  • X-Men Apocalypse: The Retro FAQ

    X-Men Apocalypse: The Retro FAQ

    As you are no doubt aware, Movies Have (Basically) Stopped. Almost all the movies that used to be being made are no longer being made and those of us who depend on making fun of the winter’s nerdy blockbusters for their livelihoods are in a pickle. How can I, as someone who has professionally hated…

  • A Brief Explanation Of Dark Phoenix’s Confusing Alien Villain

    A Brief Explanation Of Dark Phoenix’s Confusing Alien Villain

    While Fox was perfectly fine spoiling Dark Phoenix’s major death in early advertisements, the true identity of Jessica Chastain’s alien character was kept conspicuously hush in the weeks leading up to the film’s premiere. Though an explanation for the codename she was referred to by the studio (“Smith”) is never explained in the film itself,…