year in review

  • The Fictional People And Things We Lost In 2019

    The Fictional People And Things We Lost In 2019

    This year saw some of the biggest endings in movie and television history. In Avengers: Endgame, a few brave souls sacrificed themselves to save the universe and Game of Thrones finally put someone on the Iron Throne…and a lot of people in their graves. There are a lot of characters to grieve over, and we’re…

  • The Biggest Letdowns We Drove In 2018

    The Biggest Letdowns We Drove In 2018

    You often hear people say “there aren’t really bad cars any more” because even cheap cars from basic brands are generally decent and safe in 2018. That’s true, to an extent. But that doesn’t mean all cars are good, either. And we found plenty to bag on this year anyway.

  • All The Creative And Inspiring People We Lost In 2018

    All The Creative And Inspiring People We Lost In 2018

    As the end of 2018 approaches, it’s time to look back and bid a fond farewell to the actors, artists, authors, and other real people who’ve shuffled off this mortal coil. All of these folks have one thing in common: They inspired us, whether it was with one specific performance on a favourite sci-fi TV…