year in review

  • The Best And Worst Captains Of 2017

    The Best And Worst Captains Of 2017

    This year’s genre fiction can be defined by many things, but weirdly enough, 2017 has been very big for Captains. Not majors, nor generals, not even sergeants or admirals or petty officers, or any other rank you can think of – just Captains, and here are how they all ranked this year.

  • The Worst-Reported Science Stories Of 2017

    The Worst-Reported Science Stories Of 2017

    It’s really not that hard to write a science news story, I promise. Some new scientific results come out, you talk to a scientist on the phone and ask them what they did, then you ask a few other people who know about the research if the results made sense. It’s a lot like, well,…

  • Twitter’s Year In Review Confirms 2017 Sucked

    Twitter’s Year In Review Confirms 2017 Sucked

    Remember when everyone was screaming for 2016 to just end already? Well, it did. And 2017 managed to be even more horrific. Twitter has essentially verified that fact with its end of the year roundup of the most popular tweets, accounts and hashtags. Appreciate them now, because next year is just going to be worse.