
  • Watching Baking Bread Rise Is Almost Pornographic

    Watching Baking Bread Rise Is Almost Pornographic

    The smell of baking bread is like the universal language for neck-breaking, nose-enlightening deliciousness. It’s impossible not to smile to yourself at the idea of fresh bread. It’s everything good in the world, it’s possibility, and it’s just damn good to eat. And watching bread bake in a timelapse? Who knew that your eyes could…

  • Making Bubble Tea Is Totally Therapeutic

    Making Bubble Tea Is Totally Therapeutic

    Video: Bubble tea or boba or pearl milk tea or tapioca milk tea or whatever the hell you call the milky tea deliciousness with those chewy balls and that giant straw is deliciousness in a plastic cup. It’s also really relaxing and therapeutic to make at home. Or at least it’s really relaxing and therapeutic…

  • 13 Different Ways To Make Crazy Tasty Sandwiches

    13 Different Ways To Make Crazy Tasty Sandwiches

    Sandwiches are the reason why happiness is possible. Why being optimistic pays off. Why lending a helping hand is worth it. Because if you’re a good person who does more good things than bad things, your faith in life is reaffirmed when you bite into a sandwich. Every sandwich is basically paying it forward. Here…

  • Deep-Fried Brain And Bone Marrow Is A Deliciously Killer Combo

    Deep-Fried Brain And Bone Marrow Is A Deliciously Killer Combo

    Video: Hamburger and fries. Spaghetti and meatballs. And brain and bone marrow… I guess? Our friend Anna Péter, from the Hungarian food blog Malackaraj, shows us how she makes deep fried brain and bone marrow. And because the universal rule across all types of cooking is that deep frying things and adding bone marrow is…