Storage Is Getting Mighty Cheap: WD 4TB MyBook For $1,000

wdfmybook_studio_2qThe new MyBook Studio Edition for Mac from Western Digital is pure value for money. For a grand, you get 4 terabytes of storage space in a Time Machine-friendly system. We’ll take two.

4TB for $1000 works out at $250 per terabyte, or about 25 cents a GB. That’s so frickin’ cheap!

The new drives come with a 5-year warranty, are user-serviceable (so you can change drives yourself), have Firewire 400/800, eSATA and USB 2.0 connectivity options, and come with a capacity gauge so you can see how much storage you have left. Although with 4TB, you shouldn’t have to worry about that last bit too soon…

[Western Digital]