On the twelfth day of Christmas, Gizmodo gave to me…
Twelve Guitars Strumming
The Gibson Dusk Tiger has a knob that turns your guitar into an LED light show. Surely that should be enough for anyone to want one, but the fact that it can also robotically tune the guitar for you on the fly cements this as one of the most awesome guitars ever made. Even if you don’t want one for yourself, buy one for me…
[Gibson] [imgclear]
Eleven Keyboards Typing[imgclear]
Ten Shirts Worth Keeping[imgclear]
Nine Gamers Dancing[imgclear]
Eight Scarves All Silky[imgclear]
Seven screens with dimming[imgclear]
Six games worth playing[imgclear]
Five Sundial Rings[imgclear]
Four Angry Birds[imgclear]
Three Magic Pens[imgclear]
Two iPhone gloves[imgclear]