We’re on the verge of an influx of awesome movies hitting Blu-ray in the near future – Tron, Extended Editions of Lord of the Rings, and even classics like The Running Man. Which got us wondering – are you guys even buying Blu-ray movies? And if you are, do limited edition versions entice you?
I know that I’ll only ever by Blu-ray movies now. If the sales are right, I might even buy stuff I’ve already got on DVD in Blu-ray format, but for the most part it’s all about the HD version of new stuff, or classics that I don’t actually own. As for collectibles – well, I have the limited edition Cylon tin set of Battlestar Galactica, but for the most part I’m happy with the plain movie version (although a digital copy is always welcome).
What about you guys? What floats your boat when it comes to buying movies?