After a horrific shootout on the streets of Miami, Narces Benoit and his girlfriend witnessed the finale: police firing a barrage of rounds into a man’s car. Narces recorded it. The police smashed his phone. But first? Hidden SD card.
The horrendous footpath firefights took place over Memorial Day, leaving officers and pedestrians alike dead. Narces had an HTC EVO with him, the Miami Herald reports, which he used to film police killing a suspect in his car, after which he says cops pulled guns on him for recording the incident. The video cuts off before the rest of his allegations – that he and his girlfriend were thrown out of their car, and his phone smashed on the street – but everything leading up to that point was saved by some fast thinking. With guns in his face, Narces quickly popped out his phone’s SD card and stuck it in his mouth. With the card intact, the chaotic video above is now spreading across the internet. [Miami Herald via PetaPixel]