Welcome to The Gizmodo Shooting Challenge, where Giz readers get to pit their photographic skills against each other for the admiration of their editors on a dedicated theme each week. This week’s challenge: Science Fiction.
Yesterday’s science fiction often becomes today’s science fact, but can you capture an image with a science fiction theme? There’s plenty of potential inspiration, whether your muse comes from the works of Arthur C Clarke or George Lucas. You can even take musical inspiration: the Divinyls even sang about it thirty years ago (yes, I’m getting old), and there’s plenty more where that came from. So get your best geeky hat on and get blasting… erm… shooting, that is. With a camera. Be careful where you point that phaser!
There are just a few rules to be aware of:
1. The work must be your own.
2. Photos need to be taken the week of the contest. No portfolio shots please.
3. Explain (briefly) the photography equipment, settings, technique and story behind the shot.
4. Entries must be submitted via the feedback form here; choose “Gizmodo Shooting Challenge” as the contact reason.
5. Don’t forget to attach your image! (at least 800px wide)
6. One submission per person.
Submit your best photo by Tuesday, April 24th, 2012, at 10am AEDT through the feedback form (select “Gizmodo Shooting Challenge” in the dropdown box). Save your files as JPGs, and use a FirstnameLastnameSCIFI.jpg naming convention. Include your shooting summary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the body of the email along with a story of the shot in a few sentences.
And don’t skip the story part because it’s often the most enjoyable part for us all beyond the great photos!
Need Inspiration? Check out the previous Gizmodo Shooting Challenges.