Think of every awesome video you’ve ever seen on YouTube, and multiply that by a billion. Then, and only then, will you be able to comprehend the amazingness that is the Mechawhales. A couple of short, cell-shaded CG cartoons starring a gigantic sperm whale that’s not only able to navigate dry land, but also wage war thanks to a mechanical suit it wears.
Think of the powerloader that Ripley used in Aliens, but piloted by a 50 ton whale, and you’ll start to realise why these episodes need to be longer than just two or three minutes. And just when we thought that the Mechawhales cartoons were nothing more than a way for a bored animator to kill some time, suddenly there’s a $45 action figure available for pre-order. Which gives us a glimmer of hope that we’ll be seeing even more of the whale’s adventures soon.