We All Need To Take A Trip To This Wonderful Toy Museum

Toy Place is a lovely short documentary by Ben Churchill that tours the amazing Vermont Toy Museum that houses a collection of almost 100,000 toys. I want to go there now. We should all go there now.

The museum has about 10,000 toys on display with the other 90,000 toys in storage somewhere. When you first hit the museum, you see the earliest toys, like dice, rope and balls, and then toys from 1900 to 1950, and then toys from each decade. People who grew up in a certain era would probably never leave their decade.

There’s also things like lunch boxes, fast-food toys, cracker-jack toys, board games mounted on the ceiling, dolls and so much more. Watch the documentary and see how Gary Neil (he’s the guy who runs the museum) maintains his childlike passion for toys in his museum. We should all be so lucky. [Radio Trip Pictures via Laughing Squid]