PC gaming is enjoying a renaissance, with new massively powerful graphics cards and CPUs coming out, the imminent arrival of Windows 10, and a ceaseless stream of high-profile blockbuster game releases. What all that means is that enthusiasts are tinkering with their home-made PCs more than ever. Here are some of the most bonkers custom cases on show at Computex this year.
Everyone is talking about In-Win and ASUS’ crazy collaboration. Press a button on the front and the sides of the case unfurl like an orchid or an un-clenching fist, then the entire motherboard tray and PSU tilt up and out:
In the Coolermaster booth, a Game Of Thrones-themed full tower and a Warhammer 40K-themed mini tower were in pride of place. The GoT tower was massively and stately, with leather vinyl-wrapped interior components and a beige-on-silver colour scheme, along with all the crests and heraldry that you’d expect.
The WH40K case was a CM 690 II with a lot of extra kit hanging off it, designed to look like it’d belong to a Black Templars Space Marine.
Case modders were on hand throughout the day at Coolermaster, hacking up cases and airbrushing designs onto side doors. These guys were obviously pros, putting everyone else like you and me to absolute shame with our painstakingly routed cables and our fancy perspex windows.
Thermaltake had the massive Core X9 white super-tower standing tall, but what stole the show was the frankly awesome ThermalThor. Unsurprisingly designed to mimic Norse god Thor’s hammer, it had a mini-ITX board in the hammer’s head along with some other low-power components.
Honestly, this place makes me want to head home and break out the Dremel.