Listen to a Snippet of Junkie XL’s Justice League Theme

Listen to a Snippet of Junkie XL’s Justice League Theme

One of the highlights of Zack Snyder’s DC output, whatever you think of him, is Junkie XL. The composer bring a really interesting sonic sensibility to the films he works on (including Mad Max: Fury Road), and he previously worked on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Famously, he worked on a version of the Justice League score that was scrapped by Whedon and co. when Snyder left the film; now, with Snyder back, so is XL.

Yesterday, in conjunction with DC Fandome, Junkie XL premiered a small snippet of the main theme for Justice League, specifically orchestrated in this version for a major fight scene. XL confirmed that, in addition to the work already done while Justice League was filming, he’s doing additional work to make the Snyder Cut version of the film, which is releasing in four standalone parts, work with his score. Listen below, hat tip to Comic Book Resources.

It’s a solid theme, layered and both dark and uplifting in a way that fits with Snyder’s whole vibe. It’s not an old-school superhero theme, nor is it trying to be, but it works for me. If nothing else, this movie might have some cool music.

[referenced id=”1285236″ url=”” thumb=”×170.jpg” title=”Zack Snyder’s Justice League Is Four Hours Long and Here’s the Epic Trailer” excerpt=”We’ve had glimpses. We’ve had black suits. We’ve had to wait for it, after years of anger and hearsay, for it to actually be given life. Now, we can behold it in action: because finally, our first proper look at the fabled Snyder Cut of Justice League is here.”]

Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League releases next year on HBO Max.

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Editor’s Note: Release dates within this article are based in the U.S., but will be updated with local Australian dates as soon as we know more.