Monster Hunter’s First Trailer Brings the Big Monsters (and Big Swords)

Monster Hunter’s First Trailer Brings the Big Monsters (and Big Swords)

Although, Milla Jovovich herself could stand to have some bigger swords. Having two swords doesn’t make up for it!

After months of teases, Sony has dropped the first official trailer for Monster Hunter, Paul W.S. Anderson’s adaptation of the beloved Capcom video game franchise. Not a direct adaptation of the, well, monster-hunting game series, the movie stars Milla Jovovich as Captain Artemis, a US military officer who finds herself and her unit transported to a strange world of giant beasts after a mysterious sandstorm.

From there, we actually get some pretty faithful Monster Hunter goodness, including Tony Jaa as looking like he stepped right out of Monster Hunter World firing off his bow and wielding that truly delightful giant sword. But there’s the monsters themselves, too, giving us looks at the likes of Diablos and Rathalos as Artemis and her team adapt to the new world they find themselves in.

Monster Hunter is set to hit theatres, somehow, in December.