Koala Man started life as a comedy pilot created by ‘Ciggy Butt Brain’ animator Michael Cusack, but it’s now being given the full TV treatment thanks to a deal with Disney’s Hulu streaming service. The adult comedy series will explore the misadventures of Kevin Williams, a man with no discernible superpowers beyond a desire to clean up his local community.
Hulu has ordered the 2018 pilot to series, with showrunners Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez at the helm. In good news for everyone who loves wild absurdist humour, the show will also be executive produced by Justin Roiland, the co-creator of Rick & Morty. It’s set to be dual-produced by teams in Los Angeles and Melbourne, giving a chance for local creators to shine on a global platform.
Cusack’s animations have gained cult popularity over the last few years, with the Damo and Darren YouTube shorts launching his profile into the stratosphere.
This success ultimately led to Cusack creating Bushworld Adventures for Adult Swim, a special “Australia-themed” episode of Rick & Morty. Reportedly, this came about after the ‘Ciggy Butt Brain’ short gained the attention of Roiland himself. Both animations are incredible sights, and feature Cusack’s signature surreal animation style and excellent vocal performances.
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Currently, Cusack is working on Adult Swim’s YOLO: Crystal Fantasy, which follows the adventures of two Aussie party girls — but his schedule’s about to get a lot busier.
Koala Man is set to get eight episodes on Hulu, with the series expanding on the wild adventures of Kevin (voiced by Cusack) and his attempts to snuff out petty crime. While we don’t know much else about the animated TV show, including when it’ll air, it’s likely to feature all the hallmark’s of Cusack’s signature humour.
It won’t be for everyone, but Aussies are sure to get a laugh out of this wily hero and his intrepid antics. Whenever Koala Man launches, it’ll be interesting to see how non-Australians react to Cusack’s classic larrikin energy.
Given Disney recently launched the Star service in Australia for Hulu and Fox content, it’s likely this is where Koala Man will wind up streaming locally. If you want to check out the original short in the meantime, it’s available on ABC iview.