Seems Like Things Were Just Delightful Behind the Scenes of Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Seems Like Things Were Just Delightful Behind the Scenes of Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Joss Whedon allegedly created a toxic environment on set when he took over Justice League from Zack Snyder. Now that the Snyder cut of the movie is available on HBO Max, however, Warner Bros. released a behind-the-scenes video of what it was like making the superhero saga before a family tragedy forced Snyder away, and things couldn’t be more different.

Seriously, this video is so focused on the Justice League stars having fun and palling around with Snyder it feels like stealth damage control for all the reported horrors they endured when Whedon took control — like, “See? They weren’t always miserable!” But that doesn’t mean it isn’t still fun to see Gal Gadot wearing Batman’s mask or Jason Momoa drinking a beer after standing around in the freezing cold sea.

There’s even footage of Ben Affleck chuckling during making the film, which must be the one and only time that happened.

After watching four dour hours of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, now on HBO Max, it’s honestly nice to know that people actually enjoyed themselves when making this movie, at least for a while.

[referenced id=”1679753″ url=”” thumb=”×151.png” title=”Zack Snyder’s Grand Embellishments Make Justice League a Better, Stranger Thing” excerpt=”For years, fans of director Zack Snyder have wondered, often to the point of questionable fervour, what could’ve happened in an alternate world where he got to finish 2017’s Justice League. Four years and tens of millions of dollars later, Warner Bros. has opened a Pandora’s box to place us…”]