The Snyder Cut Reactions Are Here, and So’s a New Trailer

The Snyder Cut Reactions Are Here, and So’s a New Trailer

The embargo has lifted and the critics are speaking: Zack Snyder’s Justice League is upon us and it’s…good?

[referenced id=”1677653″ url=”” thumb=”×169.jpg” title=”Zack Snyder Drops Four Character Teasers for Justice League” excerpt=”The Snyder times grow ever closer, and as the premiere date approaches, Zack Snyder is dropping enough breadcrumbs to make a panzanella.”]

Many critics were very into the Snyder take on the film, including our very own Germain Lussier, and the overwhelmingly positive response might make you want to carve a full sixth out of your day to view it.

Long story short…

Not everyone is so effusively pro-Snyder Cut, however. As with most Snyder projects, one’s mileage may vary.

You will be able to judge for yourself soon because the film drops on Binge this week. I cannot remember a time before the Snyder Cut. We live in a Snyder-ciety.

Whet your whistles with a new Darkseid-heavy trailer.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League debuts, at long last, Thursday March 18 on Binge in Australia.