The One Punch Man film based on the hugely successful manga series and beloved anime has found a director who’s no stranger to hugely successful franchises himself: Justin Lin, who made Fast & Furious parts three, four, five, six, and nine, as well as Star Trek Beyond.
This news comes from Deadline, which notes that Sony Pictures is hoping One Punch Man will launch a new film series for the studio. Sony previously announced the adaptation of the story by Japanese artist ONE that follows Saitama, the titular hero, who is capable of defeating his enemies with a single punch. Venom and Jumanji: The Next Level writers Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner are aboard to pen the script.
While we’re going to miss Lin in the Fast and Furious films — he recently pulled out of directing Fast X — this is a bold and exciting update for the live action take on one of the biggest manga properties. Lin, who is no stranger to over the top action and fight sequences, feels like the perfect fit to bring his sensibilities to this one.
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