Tech News: 5 Things to Know in Australia Today

Tech News: 5 Things to Know in Australia Today

TGIF. The tech news world is still very focused on Apple, but there are a few other things floating around worth your attention.


1. Tesla Model Y is Australia’s safest car

The 2022 Tesla Model Y has earned top marks in independent safety testing by the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) and its European counterpart, Euro NCAP. As reported by, the Model Y was awarded scores of 97 per cent for Adult Occupant Protection, 89 per cent for Child Occupant Protection, 82 per cent for Vulnerable Road User Protection (pedestrians/cyclists), and 98 per cent for Safety Assist systems.

2. Uber using autonomous delivery

Uber has teamed up with autonomous vehicle company Nuro to use the latter’s autonomous, electric vehicles for food deliveries in the United States. Those in Houston, Texas and Mountain View, California, will be able to order Uber Eats and have it delivered by the “zero-occupant autonomous delivery vehicles”, which run on public roads and are built specifically to carry food and other goods. Come to Australia? Please?

Isn’t it cute? Image: Nuro

3. Hands-on with new Apple gear

Apple yesterday unveiled ‘Dynamic Island’, a pill-like space for Face ID that expands when you, for example, receive a call or notification. It also announced four new phones, three new watches and an upgraded pair of premium earbuds. We went hands-on and wanted to share our thoughts with you.

4. Doomscrolling is bad for your health

Doomscrolling can be a normal reaction to living through uncertain times, wanting to understand dramatic events unfolding. But new research has shown becoming absorbed in bad news for too long can be detrimental. The new study, as reported by The Conversation, shows that people with high levels of problematic news consumption are also more likely to have worse mental and physical health.

5. ‘AirDrop’ with Android devices that aren’t nearby

If you’re deep in the Google ecosystem, you should get on board with Nearby Share. The wireless file transfer feature now works across Android devices of all types and even Chromebooks. And in its latest Android feature drop, Google is promising it’s about to get as easy to use as sharing a link. If you’re actively using Nearby Share between devices, you’ll soon be able to send photos and other files without accessing the device you’re pinging. It’ll allow you to do this ‘soon’.

BONUS ITEM: Queen Elizabeth II has passed at age 96.

Have a great weekend.

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