News Corp and OpenAI sign deal: 5 Tech Things to Know in Australia Today

News Corp and OpenAI sign deal: 5 Tech Things to Know in Australia Today

It’s Thursday, which is the new Friday (according to me). I digress, let’s read about some tech news.

1. News Corp and OpenAI sign content deal

News publishing giant News Corp and OpenAI have signed a multi-year content deal where content from the media giant will be shown in ChatGPT answers.

The Australian (owned by News Corp) said the deal could be worth US$250 million over the next five years.

News Corp said OpenAI has permission to display content from News Corp mastheads in response to user questions and to enhance its products, with the ultimate objective of providing people the ability to make informed choices based on reliable information and news sources.

Publications included in the deal include The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, MarketWatch, Investor’s Business Daily, FN, and New York Post; The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun; The Australian,, The Daily Telegraph, The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, and Herald Sun; and others.

The partnership does not include access to content from any of News Corp’s other businesses.

OpenAI will have access to current and archived content.

2. Consumers unaware of their data collection

As the ACCC’s Digital Platform inquiry continues new findings continue to emerge, today’s findings highlight the lack of visibility and understanding consumers have over their data.

According to the ACCC, long and complex privacy policies that use ambiguous language or ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ terms make it difficult for consumers to understand, intentionally consent to and control what happens to their data.

The report observes that data collection practices do not align with consumer expectations, based on a 2023 consumer study which found that 74 per cent of Australians are uncomfortable with their personal information being shared with or sold to other companies.

“Many consumers may be unaware of the scope of data that is collected and then shared or on-sold to other data firms or unidentified third parties,” ACCC chair Catriona Lowe, said.

“As consumers are increasingly required to provide personal information or other data on themselves to access important services, such as applying for a rental property or receiving an insurance quote, we are very concerned that consumers may be unable to exercise choice or meaningful control over how their data is shared and used.”

3. Meta’s advisory council is very white

Social media giant Meta has created an AI advisory council, the only problem is that it is very white. You can see the four white men here in all their glory. This is very silly, not only because it’s 2024 and I thought we were over this. But AI needs to have diverse voices and minds around the creation and development of the systems otherwise the results are narrow. I’m preaching to the choir right now, but Meta, lift ya game!

4. OpenAI Could be in hot water over ScarJo voice

Well, it seems OpenAI might be in a tiny bit of trouble over using a voice that sounds verrrrrry similar to Scarlett Johanssen. The Verge spoke to a copyright lawyer who said there are a few avenues the actress can take, one of them include invoke the right to publicity laws, which protects a person’s features from being used without their consent. Let’s see what she ends up doing.

5. Apple Music reveals top albums of all time

Over the past few weeks, Apple Music has been drip-feeding us its top 100 albums of all time and this morning, it dropped its top 10 and they’re interesting. They’re not wrong by any means but the internet, being the internet already has some opinions. For those wondering, Taylor Swift is not in the top 10 but Beyonce, Kendrick and Amy Winehouse make the cut. Read it and weep (or get mad) here.

BONUS ITEM: I saw this on TikTok last night and immediately got sad

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