The Most Insane Things Google AI Overview Has Recommended So Far 

The Most Insane Things Google AI Overview Has Recommended So Far 

Google’s AI Overview is not going well, and by not going well I mean its telling people to put glue in their pizza.

It hasn’t even been two weeks since Google announced its AI overview product for search and people are getting some very odd responses. 

We’ve already reported on some of the more popular ones and why they are so damn wrong. Especially because the glue pizza comment is from a very old Reddit post.  

But in true internet fashion, everyone is jumping on and seeing how stupid the Google AI overview responses can be, and folks, the search engine giant went above and beyond in its responses.

I wish this was a joke, I really do but this is all real. One of the most annoying things is the summarise feature is good in theory, if you want to know a specific date or have an answer ASAP, Google’s AI overview could be very helpful. But, using AI to rake through the internet, a place that has been known to be wrong from time to time, is not the smartest idea.

AI overview isn’t available in Australia, yet, but our American counterparts have been having too much fun with it. Here are some of the silliest Google AI Overview results, so far. 

The OG, glue pizza

Undercooked chicken anyone?

Pregnant women everywhere rejoice!

Don’t forget to get your daily dose of rocks!

Apparently, Pokémon is (checks notes) homophobic?


Google is making up words again. 

It’s Bop not Bob, FYI

Someone even made Google do a self-own, see below. 

Also, it seems Google Search results aren’t as reliable either

I’m sure when Google’s AI Overview comes to Australia, us larrikins will have a very good time.  Stay safe out there and don’t use glue in pizza for the love of Domino’s Pizza.


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