These Are The Best Wireless Adapters For Apple CarPlay and Android Auto

These Are The Best Wireless Adapters For Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
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If you use Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, investing in a wireless adapter is an easy way to keep your car wireless and clutter-free. It’ll also help to make sure you’re always conveniently connected to your car.

A wireless Apple CarPlay or Android Auto adapter is a dongle that stays plugged into your car and lets you connect your phone to your in-car display using Bluetooth. As a result, your phone’s charging port is freed up for other cables. The other bonus with a wireless adapter is that once it’s set up, the adapter connects your phone to your car automatically.

So, if you’re interested in ditching the cable in your car, we’ve gone and rounded up some of the best wireless adapters for Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

What are Apple CarPlay and Android Auto?

best wireless carplay adapter
Image: iStock/AdrianHancu

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are programs that allow you to use your phone’s interface instead of the one provided by your car’s built-in dashboard display. These programs essentially screencast your phone’s display into your car’s screen, which is convenient and easy to use.

The inconvenience with these programs though, is that you need to plug your phone into your car to use them, which can get irritating and cause extra wear and tear on your phone’s charging port. It’s also not super helpful if your phone is broken or an older model that doesn’t always connect reliably via a cable.

This is where wireless adapters come in. These adapters plug directly into your car and are also, more often than not, plug-and-play. This means that once you plug it in and get through the initial setup, the adapter will then automatically stay connected to whichever device they’re paired with.

Most dongles are compatible with around 600 different car models, but it’s worth checking to make sure your car is on the list.

Best Wireless Apple CarPlay Adapters

Image: Quad Lock/Ottocast

If you have an iPhone, you’ll want to make sure you get an adapter that supports Apple CarPlay. The leader in this space is Ottocast because of its simple setup and low latency, but there are plenty of other brands around, too.

Here are some of our favourites:

Best Wireless Android Auto Adapters

best wireless carplay adapter
Image: Anytrox/Motorola

If you have an Android phone, you’ll need to make sure that any wireless adapter you buy can support Android Auto. Ottocast is also a popular pick for Android, as well as Motorola.

Here are our top picks:

Best 2-in-1 Wireless Adapters

best wireless carplay adapter
Image: Ottocast

If more than one person drives your car and you use different types of phones, getting a two-in-one wireless adapter that supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto is your best bet.

Here is what you can get:

This post has been updated since its last publication.

Image credit: iStock/AdrianHancu/Ottocast