Rick and Morty’s Dan Harmon Teases the Adult Swim Show’s Future

Rick and Morty’s Dan Harmon Teases the Adult Swim Show’s Future

After all the brouhaha over re-casting the title characters of Rick and Morty for season seven, fans were relieved to find that not only were the new voices seamlessly integrated—the episodes themselves proved the show was just as funny, rude, and incisive as ever. So what’s next for the Adult Swim staple?

Well, season eight, of course—though as we learned earlier this year, it won’t be arriving until 2025. And after that, at least two more seasons to bring home the full 70-episode re-orderRick and Morty scored back in 2018. But what lies down the road for Rick, Morty, the Smith family, and all the adjacent weirdos they meet on their portal-hopping travels? Speaking to Variety, co-creator Dan Harmon, who called season seven a “reset” and said “this was always designed to be a show that could last thousands of episodes,” noted that there’s always room for more, though he’s in no hurry to figure out what that looks like.

“With something this satisfying for this many people, conversations [about extending the run] happen all the time. And I would anticipate an announcement one way or the other about the future at some point in the future,” he said.

As for the immediate future, “We’re in the homestretch,” he told the trade. “We’re always one to two seasons ahead of what’s happening on screen in the writers’ room. Roughly it’s around 10 episodes left to write before we will be done with the 70. So, my job right now is to be working on the final 10 of that order.”

Cue the wryly poignant Mr. Poopybutthole coda, and cross your fingers season eight is arriving as early as possible in 2025. In the meantime, you can stream all seven seasons of Rick and Morty on Max.

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