We’ve Seen The First Footage From The Avengers!
The first extended look at The Avengers just premiered at Disney’s D23 Expo. Here’s our spoiler-y rundown of what we saw. Here’s the spoiler-free version: everything we saw looked like an awesome mix of epic, funny, and badass.
A Brief Introduction To Infinity
The notion of infinity is fundamentally beyond the human ability to comprehend, but that hasn’t stopped mathematicians from trying. So just what is infinity, and why is there more than one of them? And just what is infinity plus one?
Pluto Has Poisonous Carbon Monoxide Atmosphere
After almost 20 years of hunting for telltale clues, we now know that the demoted planet Pluto has an atmosphere of small but still very deadly amounts of carbon monoxide gas which helps keep it at incredibly cold temperatures.
The Red Square Nebula Rips A Hole In Space-time
This might look like some weird cosmic gateway straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey or a particularly trippy old-school Doctor Who adventure, but the Red Square Nebula is completely real. Just don’t ask astronomers to explain its bizarre shape. [io9]