David Smith

David Smith is the editor of Kotaku Australia. A games journalist and industry observer for nine years, he has previously written for The AU Review and PC World Australia. He has appeared on ABC Radio, covered live events around the world, and is a regular guest on industry panels and podcasts. David specialises in predicting industry trends, emerging technologies how they affect the games we play, the intersection of video games and business. He is deeply passionate about the Australian games industry and its ever-growing potential. He is a lifelong audiophile and is known for being a tough headphone critic. In his spare time, David confuses the Spotify algorithm with the breadth of his musical tastes and gets very worked up about Formula One. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.

  • EB Games Is Trying to Find Its First Ever Customer

    EB Games Is Trying to Find Its First Ever Customer

    EB Games is trying to find out who its first Australian customer was. EB Games’ Australian arm turns 25 this year, and as part of its corporate celebrations, it’s trying to see if it can find its very first customer (or the closest person to them). To do this, it’s running a competition with a…