Blizzard Explains Why Overwatch Still Doesn’t Have A Black Woman Hero
Overwatch fans disappointed with Ashe should know that six new heroes are in the works, Blizzard has told Kotaku, and that fans hoping for more diversity in the popular game’s cast of characters will hopefully find what they’re looking for in upcoming updates.
AI Learns To Play Mario 64, Gets A Star
We’ve seen artificial intelligence learn how to play games such as Super Mario World and Mario Kart, but Mario 64 is a whole different animal.
Video Games Get Gun Silencers All Wrong
You round a corner. You think you’re in the clear but — oh no! — an enemy is standing guard. How will you ever bring him down without alerting other guards? Aha, your pistol has a silencer. One mouse squeak gun shot later and you’re free. Except that’s not how silencers work at all.