Science & Health: Space, Medicine, Climate Change And Humans

The home of space, archaeology, medicine, physics, climate change and everything else that impacts the planet, our health and the world of science.

  • Did NASA Forget How to Put People on the Moon?

    Did NASA Forget How to Put People on the Moon?

    NASA’s plodding, iterative approach to its Artemis program gives the distinct impression that it has somehow forgotten how to land humans on the Moon. A closer inspection uncovers the many reasons — whether justified or not — for why it’s taking NASA so long to return boots to those vaunted lunar grounds.

  • What Even Is Green Ammonia and Will It Replace Fuel?

    What Even Is Green Ammonia and Will It Replace Fuel?

    Ammonia has been in the news because of its suitability as a hydrogen carrier and fuel, in addition to being a vital ingredient in fertiliser. Existing distribution networks and the ease of turning ammonia gas into a liquid make ammonia a cost-effective way to transport renewable energy. For a given volume, ammonia – a molecule…