
  • Will Black Adam Shift the Balance of Power in the DCEU?

    Will Black Adam Shift the Balance of Power in the DCEU?

    Production has wrapped on DC’s Black Adam movie, and about damn time we get to see Dwayne Johnson as the titular anti-hero. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra (with whom Hiram Garcia and Johnson worked on Jungle Cruise) and written by Rory Haines, Black Adam is the main Antagonist of superhero Shazam and a sometimes enemy, sometimes…

  • Masters of the Universe: Revelation Is a He-Man Fan’s Dream*

    Masters of the Universe: Revelation Is a He-Man Fan’s Dream*

    “You were who we made this for!” Kevin Smith excitedly told me during our interview about Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation, right after I revealed I was a huge He-Man fan. He was not lying. The new series was clearly made for me and the other ‘80s kids. Those who grew up playing with Masters…

  • How Masters of the Universe: Revelation Updates He-Man for 2021

    How Masters of the Universe: Revelation Updates He-Man for 2021

    The first thing you’ll notice about the new Masters of the Universe show is that “He-Man” isn’t in the title. The original ‘80s cartoon was called He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and this new Netflix version was named Masters of the Universe: Revelation. That’s not because He-Man isn’t in it — of course,…