James Cameron’s Aliens Is Getting Its Own Marvel What If…?
We already knew the world of Alien was returning both on TV and at the movies. But now, it’s returning to the world of comics too, in a very unexpected way. Marvel just announced that Aliens, James Cameron’s 1986 sequel, is getting a five-issue “What If…?” spin-off focusing on Carter Burke, the evil company man…
The Little Mermaid Producers Sued Over Set Injury
An incident at Pinewood Studios during the shoot of The Little Mermaid live-action film, has left a model maker injured into early retirement. Deadline reports that Christine Overs, a special effects practical artist, took a fall when a section of the set she was on tipped over in 2020. The injuries sustained resulted in a…
Earth Is Getting Easier for Aliens to Find
Humans send out a lot of signals. We’ve got cell phones, wi-fi, broadcast TV and radio, even communications bounced through space via satellite. But could anyone listen in on those? Tune an ear in from a neighbouring galaxy, and discover billions of humans waiting here to say hi?
These Toy Mash-Up Photos Are Freaking Rad
What happens when the aliens from Aliens attack a T-Rex? Or a Predator sets its eyes on some Ewoks? What if Ant-Man climbed to the top of the Empire State Building or E.T. got a lightsaber? All those scenarios and more are being brought to life by artist Chuck Eiler, aka Killcutter, who loves to…