
  • 9 Weird Video Game Tidbits From The Elon Musk Biography

    9 Weird Video Game Tidbits From The Elon Musk Biography

    Walter Isaacson’s recently published biography of unhinged kingpin Elon Musk, Elon Musk, unloaded several bombshells about Musk’s family and hectic approach to business, but the real gold is his relationship to video games. So I compiled nine revealing video game facts from the Musk biography to help piece it together. The way Musk interacts with…

  • The US Is Apparently Backed Up And Running Short on Laxatives

    The US Is Apparently Backed Up And Running Short on Laxatives

    It might be time for Americans to start eating more fiber. The U.S. is experiencing a shortage of laxative products, according to a report this week from the Wall Street Journal. One alleged reason for the short supply is extra demand from younger people—an interest apparently fueled by TikTok influencers touting the supposed benefits of…

  • The 20 Most Bizarre Products We Found on AliExpress

    The 20 Most Bizarre Products We Found on AliExpress

    Sure, I used to be like you, up all night paging through Instagram or TikTok. That’s great for beginners, but I’ve moved on to the hardcore stuff. These days, when I’m passing time on my phone, you’ll find me scrolling AliExpress. For the uninitiated, AliExpress is sort of like Amazon or eBay if they were…