amber fossils
The Strangest Amber Fossils Ever Discovered
Amber fossils are like a time capsule, preserving the three-dimensional structure of animals, plants, and other prehistoric items of interest. Every once in a while, however, paleontologists stumble upon some particularly bizarre specimens and scenes.
These Flies Have Been Trapped In The Bone Zone For 41 Million Years
A pair of long-legged flies met a Romeo-and-Juliet ending some 41 million years ago, when a falling drop of tree resin ruined their tender moment. On the bright side, their disrupted act of fornication was preserved for all eternity in this pornographic piece of amber.
Beetle Trapped In 99-Million-Year-Old Amber Was An Early Pollinator
Amber fossils containing bugs are nothing new, but the discovery of a beautifully preserved Cretaceous Period beetle with bits of pollen still around it is changing what we know about the planet’s earliest pollinating insects.