NASA’s New ‘Hybrid Antenna’ Boosts Links to Deep Space
NASA outfitted its aging communications network with a hybrid antenna that allowed it to receive both radio frequency and laser signals for the first time, helping the space agency keep up with its increasing number of missions traveling through deep space. Deep Space Station 13, an experimental 112-foot-long (34-meters) radio-frequency-optical-hybrid antenna, tracked and decoded a…
Student-Designed Cubesat to Feature Inflatable ‘Beachball’ Antenna
In an attempt to optimise communication in space across vast distances, a team of researchers from the University of Arizona will rely on a unique antenna for CatSat, a small satellite that will study the ionosphere. The antenna resembles a space-age beachball that can beam information to Earth at high speeds.
This Cheap 3D-Printed Antenna Works Just As Well As Its Expensive Siblings
This light pink plastic dish may look like something from your grandmother’s china collection, but in fact it’s the European Space Agency’s first 3D-printed dual-reflector antenna. And it works surprisingly well.
Why Is NASA Building This Giant Soccer Ball?
Image Cache: Because it has a goal! But a different kind of goal to the ones found in soccer: instead, it’s one to put American astronauts on Mars.