The Cheapest 4K Monitors for Work and Play
You can buy a cheap 4K monitor at several different sizes in Australia without spending too much, so lets go through work and gaming ones.
AOC Files Measure to Kill U.S. Military Twitch Streams as Battle Over Protester Bans Heats Up
U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez plans to file an amendment that would bar any part of the U.S. military from spending federal funds to operate accounts on any “video game, esports, or live-streaming platform,” Vice reported on Wednesday. At the same time, prominent civil rights groups have demanded service branches immediately reverse bans of users…
This Fake Green New Deal Ad Perfectly Illustrates Facebook’s Bullshit Political Ad Policy
Folks, I never thought I’d see the day any U.S. Republican, let alone Lindsey Graham, said they believed in the Green New Deal. But on Friday, I heard his voice utter those exact words in a Facebook ad.
Top Searches On Merriam-Webster Include ‘Fascism’ And ‘Racism’ After Trump’s Latest Rally
Donald Trump held another neo-fascist rally Thursday in North Carolina, U.S.A. where the crowd chanted things like “treason,” “traitor” and “send her back,” while Trump talked about Democratic members of U.S. Congress, including Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Online dictionary searches in the U.S. from just after the rally show just how bad things have…