applications of artificial intelligence

  • Microsoft Calls on Oracle for Backup in AI Fray

    Microsoft Calls on Oracle for Backup in AI Fray

    It takes a whole lot of power and data to both train and run the AI models that have big tech so enamoured. To support its AI ambitions on Bing Search, Microsoft leaped into the welcoming arms of cloud computing giant Oracle, all the better to help feed the ever-hungry multi-headed hydra that is AI.…

  • Microsoft Copilot Launches Worldwide Tomorrow, but What the Hell Is It?

    Microsoft Copilot Launches Worldwide Tomorrow, but What the Hell Is It?

    Microsoft’s generative AI work assistant Copilot will debut to millions of enterprise customers Wednesday. Chief Information Officers around the country are stepping up training in preparation for the Microsoft 365 product launch, according to the Wall Street Journal, and it may be a change coming to your office place as well. Microsoft 365 Copilot uses…

  • Google’s Latest Updates Helps Root Out AI Deepfakes

    Google’s Latest Updates Helps Root Out AI Deepfakes

    Google offers a few new ways to figure out where the hell that photo of Pope Francis in Balenciaga actually came from. The company’s latest updates to Android, Search, and Play Store have a common theme. They’re all designed to give users more options to discover a deepfake’s sordid history and report it. Take Google…

  • YouTube Wants to Use AI to Let You Mimic Your Favourite Musician

    YouTube Wants to Use AI to Let You Mimic Your Favourite Musician

    As AI-generated songs run rampant across the internet, YouTube looks to get in front of it by legally licensing out artist voices. The platform developed a tool powered by artificial intelligence that would reproduce the vocals of musical artists, allowing fans to have them sing whatever they want, but talks with major labels have apparently…