
  • The 7 All-Time Worst Dudes In Outer Space

    The 7 All-Time Worst Dudes In Outer Space

    Between the alien monsters, the crazed androids and the malfunctioning ships, space is already totally scary before you start factoring in humans and all their potential awfulness. And yet, there’s something about space that seems to attract a lot of arseholes. Case in point: All seven of these guys.

  • 21 Movies I’m Embarrassed To Admit I Love

    21 Movies I’m Embarrassed To Admit I Love

    We all have them. Our guilty pleasure movies. Movies we like that we don’t like to tell other people. Films that bring us unbridled joy while making others cringe in pain. Films so many people hate but you just, somehow, for whatever reason, love. This is my list.