
  • How to Use SMS Automatically When RCS or iMessage Don’t Work

    How to Use SMS Automatically When RCS or iMessage Don’t Work

    iMessage revolutionised texting for iPhone users. It replaced SMS with a new, better, faster protocol. Now, Android is trying to do the same with RCS. And while it’s getting there, it does have one issue: It doesn’t automatically fall back to SMS if a message doesn’t go through — instead, you’re asked to manually send…

  • The Curious Case of Australia’s Native Blue-Grey Mouse

    The Curious Case of Australia’s Native Blue-Grey Mouse

    From all accounts, Australia’s blue-grey mouse was a charming little creature. The famous British zoologist Oldfield Thomas of London’s Natural History Museum first described the species in 1910 and named it Pseudomys glaucus. Within half a century, the species had seemingly disappeared, leaving behind only three scientific specimens. Since then, two of these have been…