ben mendelsohn

  • Robin Hood Is A Beautiful, Befuddling Disaster

    Robin Hood Is A Beautiful, Befuddling Disaster

    There’s a good movie in Robin Hood somewhere, hidden underneath that hood. Actually, I take that back—not a good movie, but a fun one. A film that coasts on Taron Egerton’s undeniable charisma, lets Ben Mendelsohn’s teeth rot from too much scenery chewing, and doesn’t care about the fact that it’s so historically inaccurate it…

  • Rogue One: The (Mostly Spoiler-Free) Gizmodo Review

    Rogue One: The (Mostly Spoiler-Free) Gizmodo Review

    The most moving moments in the history of Star Wars are always the darkest. The end of The Empire Strike Back and the deaths of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda are a few examples on a much longer list. Thankfully, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story understands that and more. It’s a movie that nails what…