
  • Star Trek: Picard Goes Full Found Family Mode

    Star Trek: Picard Goes Full Found Family Mode

    Much of Picard’s third season has examined the legacy and lineages of its heroes — with Jean-Luc discovering his son with Beverly Crusher, Raffi and Seven combatting their loneliness in different ways, and Riker still grappling with the loss of his own child. But its latest episode finds much more solace in the families you…

  • On Star Trek: Picard, Family Matters

    On Star Trek: Picard, Family Matters

    Last week’s season three premiere of Star Trek: Picard navigated the show into a nostalgia-laden examination of the weight behind our heroes’ long lives — the impact they’ve had, and what’s remained as Starfleet and the galaxy at large have grown beyond them. If that was a more esoteric examination of this theme, this week’s…

  • Star Trek: Picard Returns, With the Sins of the Past in Tow

    Star Trek: Picard Returns, With the Sins of the Past in Tow

    Over two wildly different seasons so far, Star Trek: Picard has tried to navigate just what it wants to say about its titular legend. Are our memories of Jean-Luc Picard justified or warped through rose-tinted recollection? Is he too tied to the past, or the only figure Starfleet could turn to to navigate a tumultuous…