
  • 5 Sad Facts About America’s Ridiculously Slow Internet

    5 Sad Facts About America’s Ridiculously Slow Internet

    Anyone who’s ever stared glass-eyed at a Netflix video that won’t load or stuttered through a glitchy Skype call knows that the United States leaves its citizens starving for bandwidth. But the latest data in Akamai’s annual “State of the Internet” report presents some pretty depressing statistics about American’s slow, shitty internet.

  • Did The Internet Win Yet? No. But Here’s What We Got.

    Did The Internet Win Yet? No. But Here’s What We Got.

    It’s a good day for the internet: Wired just published an op-ed by FCC chairman Tom Wheeler detailing his new proposal for strict net neutrality rules, rules that largely resemble the terrific plan President Obama outlined a few months ago. Great! But let’s be real: An opinion piece is not a new policy.