
  • Walmart Is Turning Twitter Into QVC

    Walmart Is Turning Twitter Into QVC

    This holiday season, Twitter has decided it wants in on shopping, so it’s partnering with one of the biggest retailers around: Walmart. The retailer is turning the social media platform into its own version of QVC for one day only this weekend, just in time to kick-off the Cyber Monday fever.

  • Clearview AI Says It Can Do the ‘Computer Enhance’ Thing

    Clearview AI Says It Can Do the ‘Computer Enhance’ Thing

    Sketchy face recognition company Clearview AI has inflated its stockpile of scraped images to over 10 billion, according to its co-founder and CEO Hoan Ton-That. What’s more, he says the company has new tricks up its sleeve, like using AI to draw in the details of blurry or partial images of faces.