
  • How Chopsticks Were Invented

    How Chopsticks Were Invented

    Created roughly 4000-5000 years ago in China, the earliest versions of something like chopsticks were used for cooking (they’re perfect for reaching into pots full of hot water or oil) and were most likely made from twigs. While it’s difficult to nail down a firm date, it would seem it wasn’t until around 500-400 AD…

  • The Compact Chopsticks: You’ll Never Dine Unprepared Again

    The Compact Chopsticks: You’ll Never Dine Unprepared Again

    Forks are for amateurs; if you’re going to eat you’re going to work for it, dammit. Enter the chopstick. But all those splinter-laden, wooden eating-twigs don’t come without a price, you tree killer. The Compact Chopsticks, however, will let your live your life environmentally friendly and fork-free. Just like God intended.

  • Ingenious Chopsticks Never Touch The Table

    Ingenious Chopsticks Never Touch The Table

    The gentle curve of the tines on a fork make spearing food a little easier, but it also helps to keep them from getting dirty when placed on a table. It’s an issue that has made chopstick rests a necessary accessory at many restaurants, at least until these brilliant Restless Chopsticks become more mainstream.

  • The Chork Is The Lovechild Of A Fork And Chopsticks

    The Chork Is The Lovechild Of A Fork And Chopsticks

    If you went back in time with all the knowledge you have now but none of the habits, what utensil would you invent to eat with? Is the fork, a tiny and instinctive spear, the ideal utensil? Or is the chopstick, a dexterous extension of your fingers, the winner? Which makes the most sense?