climate change policy
Most People Globally Support ‘Whatever It Takes’ to Limit Climate Change
This story was originally published by Grist. Sign up for Grist’s weekly newsletter here. More than 70,000 delegates from around the world are gathering at the U.N. climate talks in Dubai this week to negotiate (ostensibly) how to tackle the climate crisis. Many of the important conversations at COP28 will revolve around “loss and damage,”…
Michael Bloomberg Is Throwing $US500 Million at Efforts to Shut Down All U.S. Coal Plants
Billionaire, philanthropist, and former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced this week that he will invest $US500 million into his campaign to shut down coal plants and halve gas use by 2030. Through the Beyond Carbon campaign, Bloomberg has successfully helped shut down about 70% of all coal plants in the U.S. This new push is…
The European Union Is Getting Nervous About Atmosphere-Altering Geoengineering
The European Union is calling for international talks on a potential worldwide framework on how to treat and regulate deliberately atmosphere-altering tech, aka geoengineering.
Earth Hits Record Carbon Dioxide Levels
Carbon dioxide levels on the only planet known to be habitable are now more than 50% higher than pre-industrial levels, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association reported Friday. They’re at the highest levels in millions of years.