climate change

  • Your Guide to COP26, the World’s Most Important Climate Talks

    Your Guide to COP26, the World’s Most Important Climate Talks

    Maybe you’ve educated yourself a little bit about what COP26 is all about. You know what a COP is (that’s “conference of the parties” for those who didn’t do their 101 homework), you know why everyone is going to Glasgow, and you know that this conference is our last best chance at keeping global warming…

  • United Nations Tells Kids to Screw Off

    United Nations Tells Kids to Screw Off

    Two years ago, a group of teens and pre-teens filed a petition with the United Nations saying five major emitters were violating their rights. On Monday, the UN committee tasked with reviewing their complaint basically handed them a participation trophy and then ruled largely in favour of the polluting countries.

  • Big Oil’s ‘Wokewashing’ Is the New Climate Science Denialism

    Big Oil’s ‘Wokewashing’ Is the New Climate Science Denialism

    ExxonMobil has been touting its commitment to “reducing carbon emissions with innovative energy solutions.” Chevron would like to remind you it is keeping the lights on during this dark time. BP is going #NetZero, but is also very proud of the “digital innovations” on its new, enormous oil drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico.…