Monday Was Literally Earth’s Hottest Day Ever Recorded, Then Tuesday Happened
On Monday, the world reached a new milestone. July 3, 2023, was Earth’s hottest day on record. Averaged across the whole planet, and all 24 hours, the composite surface temperature was 17.01 degrees Celsius, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute, which compiles and assesses data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…
Climate Change Can Actually Undermine Australia’s National Security
For many Australians, the impacts of climate change on wellbeing are distressingly clear. Floods have recently caused massive damage in many parts of the country, while the 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires are still seared in our memories. Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of such floods and fires, along with droughts, heatwaves and…
2022’s Series of Disasters Could Be Linked to a New Ocean Record
California is in its third week of back-to-back-to-back extreme weather events. The Pacific coast has been drenched by consecutive atmospheric rivers spanning from the end of last year into the present, with precipitation totals 400%-600% above average in some regions. At least 17 people have died as a result of the storms, and nearly 100,000…
Electric Cars Under $45K Are Coming to Australia, But That Won’t Solve Everything
Major new policies are still needed to accelerate the road transport transition. There is good news, however.