
  • 11 Sci-Fi Films That Actually Deserve Reboots

    11 Sci-Fi Films That Actually Deserve Reboots

    Hollywood’s favourite pastime is remaking movies, or at the very least, slapping on another sequel and making millions. While that’s all fun and good — I’m looking forward to the new Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Terminator like everyone else — many other sci-fi films also deserve adequate reboot/sequel attention.

  • 14 Maps That Reveal The Hidden Beauty Of Big Cities

    14 Maps That Reveal The Hidden Beauty Of Big Cities

    In these decades of freely accessible online maps, it’s totally normal to be addicted to what Wikipedia describes as a “symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions and themes” (best Wikipedia definition ever?). And when you are in love with maps, you want them on your wall, don’t you?