New Culture War Just Dropped: World’s Largest Jeweller Pivots to Lab-Grown Diamonds
If you can bring yourself to wear a diamond that doesn’t represent a shaved-down bit of the planet’s finite supply, but is chemically identical to the original product and denies warlords funding — then Pandora is your shop. The world’s largest jeweller (in sheer volume of product), known for charm bracelets, has announced that it…
Australian Scientists Made Crystals That Can Be Tied In A Knot
“Bendy” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of crystals. Brittle and inelastic, more like it. But Queensland researchers have created single crystals flexible enough to be bent – repeatedly – and even tied in a knot.
These Faceted Lamps Mimic The Molecular Structure Of Crystals
One of the best parts of chemistry — for a maths-deficient person like myself — were the wood-and-wire molecular models that appeared in class from time to time. Those days clearly made an impression on Berlin designer Daniel Becker, too: His new collection of lamps double as molecular models.
34,000 Year Old Life Found Trapped In Salt Bubbles
Digging up salt in the middle of the desert usually yields a pretty boring find. As in, lots of salt. But a team of scientists in Death Valley hauled up a lot more than that – perfectly preserved, millennia-old life.