
  • Non-Browning Apples Hit US Shelves Thanks To CSIRO

    Non-Browning Apples Hit US Shelves Thanks To CSIRO

    Preservative free pre-sliced apples that won’t turn brown will be available in US supermarkets this month after Canadian biotech company, Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc, licensed the technology from CSIRO. Most pre-sliced apples are coated with vitamin C or calcium to prevent browning, these preservatives can alter the taste and make the apples less appealing.

  • Australia Is Finally Getting A Space Agency

    Australia Is Finally Getting A Space Agency

    It’s happening – finally. In the midst of the 68th International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, the Federal Government has announced plans to establish an Australian space agency – with Acting science minister Michaelia Cash calling the move “crucial”. Back in July the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science announced a review of the country’s space…