
  • Chinese Spam Accounts Block COVID Protest News With Porn Links on Twitter

    Chinese Spam Accounts Block COVID Protest News With Porn Links on Twitter

    Over the weekend, you might not have seen the shocking footage coming out of several major Chinese cities, with thousands upon thousands of protesters taking to the streets chanting “stand up,” or “down with [Chinese president] Xi Jingping.” You may not have seen the rare display of cohesion from the protesters around the same issues…

  • Don’t Mistake This Microsoft Security Alert for Spam

    Don’t Mistake This Microsoft Security Alert for Spam

    Recently I received two security alerts from Microsoft warning me someone had attempted to log into my account. The emails offered me links to review the activity and reset my password, as well as a link to learn about ways to make my account more secure. I’ll be honest, the emails seemed…off to me, and…

  • SNAFU: The U.S. Air Force Just Survived a Reply-All Apocalypse

    SNAFU: The U.S. Air Force Just Survived a Reply-All Apocalypse

    It happens to the best of us: you meant to send an email to one or two people and, whoops, now you’ve accidentally blitzed your entire company or your school. For the sender, the “reply all” incident (also known as an “email storm” or a “Replyallcalypse”) is a thing of dread and humiliation; for the…